Senin, 21 November 2011

Notable Newbie At Blogadda.Com

I can't thank you all enough !!!  I am proud to say that I have been awarded as Notable Newbie by Blogadda.
All the credit goes to you girls who have stood by me and supported me through out. Its an honor to be recognized for all the work and hardship.

With No Clue about the blogging world - I started less than a year back. IMBB has been a wonderful guide and teacher who introduced me to a lovely place where I met and have made wonderful blogging friends. Blogging has become an integral part of my life and I am humbled to be bestowed upon me with this lovely title.

So Thank you - Readers, Followers, Friends, Family and Blogadda For the award.  I will be holding a giveaway soon to celebrate this title with all my readers and followers...

Cheers to all you lovely girls !! 

Giveaway coming up soon !!! 


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