Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Clinique / Milly GWP at Bloomindales

Clinique has teamed with designer Milly for this adorable makeup bag that will be a GWP at Bloomingdales beginning August 31st.

I love the bag as it's got a bit of a retro thing going. Sort of looks like one someone would  have carried in the '60's doesn't it ? But it's modern too and just pretty. It's also very large , so it can hold a lot of your stash.

The best part though, is the  makeup brush holder. All I can think is why didn't I  have one of these before?  Were they out there and I missed them? Or has Clinique just really hit it with this ? The brush holder comes with 3 brushes as part of the gift and you can always put in your own short handled ones .

The rest of the bonus includes:

High Lengths Mascara
Vitamin C Antioxidant Lip Smoothie in Strawberry Bliss
Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
Instant Lift for Eyes
Take The Day Off Remover
Color Surge Eyeshadow/Blush Duo

The GWP is yours with a $ 25.00 purchase at any Bloomingdales and runs from August 31st to September 18th.

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